Monday, April 6, 2009

What a week! And it was supposed to be spring break.

Just dropping a note to catch up. Last week was spring break and it was busy dealing with some family medical stuff and is still going on, so I got kinda got behind. On a positive note, my 17 year old son spent the past 10 days in Egypt on a school trip and comes back tomorrow, really excited. They went to Cairo, did a 3 day cruise down the Nile, took and overnight train ride and of course saw a ton of stuff. I hope to post some pictures that he is sure to have taken. More on that later.
As far as the tech stuff goes, I am still kinda struggling. I have been trying to upload a video clip and have not been having any luck. the ones I want to use don't end with the correct ending .mpg or .jif or whatever. Anybody have some suggestions? All this teck stuff is really new to me, and I wish I had the capabilities, plus allotted time, to make use of it in the classroom. The way things are set up now though, it is just a dream, but a good one to have. I am glad this calss is forcing an old dog to learn some new tricks. Hopefully I'll be able to perform them in front of an audience of students one day :)

1 comment:

  1. Paul, the video clip you want to upload, is it from Youtube or teacher tube? These videos have something next to them that says "embed video" or something like that. copy that code and paste it right into the spot where you would type your new blog entry. When you publish your post, you should see the video right in the text. Check out the Twitter Cops video on my site to see how it should look.
