Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wrap Up Reflection

I finally figured out how to add video!  This may not sound like much, but for me it was more than just learning how to "embed".  It was about not giving up no matter how frustrated I might become.  In the past, I may have just given up on it since it was not something I regularly used.  I also learned more about podcasts and how to update them, and how to buy songs on iTunes.  Where were iPods when I was a kid!  I love it because I can get WCCO 1800 and get my fill of the Twins whenever I want.  I have actually discussed this stuff with my kids, including different kinds of headphones.  (I guess Bose are the best, but they are $100 a set.)  My son showed me how to hook our digital camera to the TV and computer for visuals.  (Then he showed us all 1,000 pictures he took in Egypt.)  I learned how to then use the photo software and download photos.  You can see from above that I learned how to import photos.  The photo I have shown is my sons favorite picture form Egypt, go figure.  I explored more websites for PE and fun widgets.  During this time, I was also learning about PC programming.  We have a laptop PC at home and an Apple desktop.  I had always used the Apple because that is what we have at school.  I like the laptop because you can use it anywhere, but I think I prefer using the Apple.  (I know my wife got sick of me asking "How do you do this," or "Where so I find that"?  It seems like the more exploring you do, the more there is to explore!
I finished the Christenson book, it was one of the most intriguing and interesting reads that we have had to do for this program.  I was very much in agreement with what was said, but have a hard time seeing it happen soon because of budget and TIME.  This became all the more apparent to me as I was doing the research for my project.  The more time I spent, the more time I not just needed, but wanted.  In the future, I will look more forward to"professional growth" where we get to select what our department will focus on.  I spent time not only speaking with colleagues in my middle school department, but at the high school as well.  Not only that, I spoke with teachers outside of physical education.  What started out as an idea for a class may actually turn into reality.
At the beginning of the class I was skeptical of the benefits I would receive from it.  I got much more than I anticipated.  I received not only skills, but a better appreciation for what is out there technology-wise.  It renewed my interest in my field and what could be possible.  It made me remember what it felt like to be a new teacher with lots of ideas before anyone had a chance to say no that won't work.  I do wish that teachers were given more time to not only develop skills, but have time to implement the different technologies, whether it is simply time for updating a personal website or creating lessons on presentation.  Integrating the heart rate monitor is going to be time consuming, but I am not going to let that deter me.  I also appreciated and enjoyed collaborating with others in my district and I will continue to do so.  In the past, such meetings weren't always my favorite. Next year, Northfield schools will begin having a 2 hour late start every Wednesday so that teachers will get growth and development minutes that way instead of day long meetings.  My outlook for those meetings has changed.
An unexpected benefit I received was the time and connection I spent with my kids.  I was amazed by not only how much technology our kids today are exposed to, but how much they know and what they can do.  I was proud of them, but more scared for them, too.  As I learned about the technology, I also learned about how that tech can be manipulated by others.  It is scary, not only can others do them damage, but they can damage themselves.  It is great that they have these new skills, but is the maturity there so that they properly use those skills.  Parents today have to have a whole new level of awareness and trust of their kids.  Technology use can be positive and negative.
Even though I may not have learned or accomplished as much as others in this class, I will say that I enjoyed what it brought me even though I struggled at times with tech and time issues.  The word technology has a whole new meaning for me when it comes to my field.  I will sum up my experience in this class with a sentence from my paper. An old dog can learn new tricks, even though it may be slow going and hurt a bit.  Not only that, but the old dog, once the trick is learned, can be better than ever.  Corny, but appropriate.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today I found some gadgets that I like and added them, including the Blog list one that I was struggling with earlier.  I also played around with the Delicious website some more.  I do admit, I do not really like this one all that much and I need to play a little more with the whole tagging and subscribing thing.  I very much enjoy the iGoogle page.  I can definitely see myself continuing to use this after class is over.  I like the adaptability and personalization aspect of it.  I have found myself more and more relying on the net for my news instead of reading the newspaper since this class has started.  This class has not only changed the way I look at technology in education, but it has influenced the way I use it at home and in my personal life.  My main issue right now is the fact that there is so much out there and that I need to not try and look at everything.  When I have gone surfing, I can't believe how easy it is to lose track of time.  I am starting to understand the issue with kids spending more and more time with technology in a more significant way.  I will say that this issue has convinced me more deeply that physical education should have a place in the curriculum.  They need it not just because their bodies need the exercise, but they need to interact face to face with each other.

Interesting article about Web 2.0 in classroom - be sure to read the comments on the bottom of article


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Feed aggregator

Oh yeah, my feed agg is google reader.  It is nice to have a place to see everything without opening new windows or tabs.  Plus it just keeps track for you of everything  you have signed up for!

Busy week!

This week has been crazy.  As soon as I think things are about to settle down, they rev right back up.  Lots of hockey this past weekend for the younger one and Prom for the older one.  I basically focused on playing around with lots of different applications this week.  I made a voki, I can see the appeal, especially for kids.  I also learned what an avatar was.  My kids have said the word before but I never really knew what they were talking about.  I have found a great Arnold Schwarzennager video promoting physical fitness but I am still having trouble accessing it.  I am learning how to use our digital camera and video camera and how to show the stuff on the TV screen and how to get it on the computer.  Again I am amazed at how much my kids know.  They like being the teacher for once.  I signed up for Twitter and I am following my absolute favorite team of all time, the Philadelphia Flyers.  (You may have picked up on that fact and that I love hockey:)  I like that I can follow, but I don't think I would ever be a big fan of twittering about what I am doing.  I also learned more about our iTunes account and how to get podcasts (and what they are all about.)  I have been doing A LOT of surfing and just visiting different sites.  This class has forced me to use the computer as more than a word processor, which may be toe consuming but is a good thing.  I have also learned that it helps me not only be more up to date on my field, but it allows me to connect with other peers, and my family.  I am still trying to figure out the whole T9 text message thing.  As I learn, I will keep updating instead of just one long post for reflections because that seems to work better for me.

Monday, April 13, 2009

DANG - I thought I did it right.

I didn't do it right cuz I cant see the list.  HELP!


After i posted my question, a little balloon came up and told me how to share blog stuff from my reader on my home page!

How do I get the blogs I am following to show up on my main page?

I see other peoples blogs and on the side u can see everyone elses blogs that they are following.  Or is it because I am signed in and viewing my own page?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Voki, Tweeting, embedding - I feel like i need a language course- and 10 more hours in the day to get everything done.  I am beginning to see how technology can take over and replace human relationships if you let it.  This really makes me nervous when people start talking about school being online.  I already have to get after my kids about how much time they spend on the computer, phone, gaming, etc.  I like that I can be in touch, but on the other hand, how personal is it really.  you are not having to face anyone, and I feel like consequences of what you say aren't as felt by the people involved.  Relating with technology is way different than relating face to face.  People obey a differnt set of rules when using technology and those rules dont work the same in person.  And besides all that - if school went web, I'm totally out of a job as a phy ed teacher.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What a week! And it was supposed to be spring break.

Just dropping a note to catch up. Last week was spring break and it was busy dealing with some family medical stuff and is still going on, so I got kinda got behind. On a positive note, my 17 year old son spent the past 10 days in Egypt on a school trip and comes back tomorrow, really excited. They went to Cairo, did a 3 day cruise down the Nile, took and overnight train ride and of course saw a ton of stuff. I hope to post some pictures that he is sure to have taken. More on that later.
As far as the tech stuff goes, I am still kinda struggling. I have been trying to upload a video clip and have not been having any luck. the ones I want to use don't end with the correct ending .mpg or .jif or whatever. Anybody have some suggestions? All this teck stuff is really new to me, and I wish I had the capabilities, plus allotted time, to make use of it in the classroom. The way things are set up now though, it is just a dream, but a good one to have. I am glad this calss is forcing an old dog to learn some new tricks. Hopefully I'll be able to perform them in front of an audience of students one day :)

Phy Ed not just for physical fitness! Mental fitness is benefited as well. (I, of course, always knew that:)

Articles I Like

I found these articles on PE Central. I like them and plan on using them. I also found a neat video, however I am having a hard time transferring it to my page. Anybody have any ideas? Please let me know, thanks -